Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Looking straight ahead

Prepare yourself for Tmproff's first rambling blog entry...

I say looking straight ahead because I'm resting my head on a rock.
Looking at the stars has always been a favorite pastime of mine (second only to my infatuation with really huge flames). God are you there behind that bright one on the left? Can you see me looking back at you? The older I get, the quieter I get. I catch myself thinking for long periods of time. I dont mind so much because my thoughts are becoming increasingly more complex. I guess that is exciting in some ways. My book choices have gone from sci-fi and adventure (dessert types of books IMO) to classics like To Whom the Bell Tolls and even Jane Eyre (In hopes I might understand women better). The writing styles of today just can't hold a candle to these.

Ok, back to the stars....
I recently watched a documentary on the probability of other life bearing planets in our universe. It concluded that the chances are extremly slim (most scientists say that it would sure be a waste of space if that's true). I do not have a problem with either side of the argument; I think that God is just showing off.
We are taking a trip to Fredericksburg Texas for Octoberfest this month (yes I know this month is Sept). I really hope I get to talk about this with friends. The stars out there where it's so much darker than Houston are spectacular. Shooting varieties are common if you are patient.

I know that everyone has tried to think what Heaven will be like....I can't imagine it, but when I look straight ahead (up in this case), I see spiral holes, nebulas...all the mysteries up there and I know that He has something really amazing planned.

end ramble transmission....

1 People Talking:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always loved stars from the time I was a little girl and read everything I could about them.
Scintillation (twinkling) happens when we see them from earths surface because we are viewing them through thick layers of turbulent air. As the stars light travels it is bent many times which results in the star winking out. (our eyes interpret this as twinkling.)
What an awsome God we have that arranges for the stars to twinkle just for our delight.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:42:00 PM  

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