How do you measure a year?
This was my favorite movie this year. I loved it because it showed people showed how community can bring such support and healing. Sometimes I relate my life to how these characters lived....I have some friends that have financial difficulties. Some have relationship woes... some are sick, some are lonely...One is trying to find himself. One is on a quest that I'm extremly interested in. We all love....we dont hold back....and I pray that everyone feels cared for.
Looking back at 2005, It's been one of the most dynamic years of my life.
1. I graduated college
2. I was offered a really excellent job without looking for it (Thank you God!)
3. I dated a redheaded marine (she was really cute guys but dont mess with her!)
4. I was rejected by a redheaded marine
5. I forgot who I was
6. I was rejected by my closest friends
7. I got my new apartment (living by myself for the first time)
8. I met someone that taught me to love with reckless abandonment
(CS, that was the most important thing I learned this year. Thank you so much.)
9. I started this blog and found out I could write
10. I discovered great men and women of God that I cannot live without
11. I look forward to what adventures 2006 holds for me.
I really appreciate everyone that writes on my blog. I've learned so much from you.