Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Lost City

Why, O LORD, do you stand far off?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? Psalm 10:1

I'm sure that many of the refugees are asking this exact same question. Here in Houston we are taking in the majority of the refugees, and the response has been awesome. I know that the news has talked about it, but to see it in person is an entirely different thing.

This weekend, I worked at a huge warehouse that was taking in donations. The warehouse was normally used for pipe fabrication. The owner donated half of the warehouse for the donation process while he still ran his business. I totally underestimated the amount of donations we would get. Last night, we organized and boxed up close to a dozen pallets.

I was sorry to see that some of the donations were damaged (some of the food expired in 1999) and people used this as an excuse for some spring cleaning.

In the majority, we received very useful things. New shoes, lots of non-perishable food, toys, books...you name it (Someone thought it would be funny to ask me organize the XL ladies bras...I think I'm scarred for life).

Many of the refugees are wondering where God is.....
This is an excellent opportunity for Christians to show love.
Most have risen to the challenge.

Newsweek has an excellent story today on the Katrina Disaster:

1 People Talking:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, *somebody's* got to organize those bras; why not you? :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7:07:00 PM  

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